Most Common Commit Comments

*** empty log message ***71 (14.4%)
More debugging.5 (1.0%)
dunno if this will work.4 (0.8%)
should implement hashCode().3 (0.6%)
more ir changes3 (0.6%)

Commit Log

5/21/06 1:28 AMjoewhaley
Fixed broken link. (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
xdocs/navigation.xml 1.5 (+1 -1)
5/21/06 1:00 AMjoewhaley
Naughty sourceforge changed the CVS root. (1 Files changed, 3 Lines changed)
project.xml 1.19 (+3 -3)
1/21/06 8:03 PMjoewhaley
Support for specifying BDDs with _op?.bdd suffix. (2 Files changed, 15 Lines changed)
javabdd-1.0b2.jar 1.6 (+0 -0)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.5 (+15 -7)
10/12/05 11:01 PMjoewhaley
Try initial variable ordering first. (1 Files changed, 14 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.4 (+14 -1)
10/12/05 3:41 AMjoewhaley
Get rid of maxincrease. (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.3 (+1 -1)
10/12/05 3:29 AMjoewhaley
Make it compile under older JDKs. (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.2 (+1 -1)
10/12/05 3:28 AMjoewhaley
Newer version. (1 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
jwutil-1.0.jar 1.9 (+0 -0)
10/12/05 3:25 AMjoewhaley
New simple test to try all domain orders for an operation. (1 Files changed, 252 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.1 added 252
10/10/05 11:55 PMjoewhaley
Oops. Hope it works now. (1 Files changed, 7 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.40 (+7 -7)
10/10/05 11:38 PMjoewhaley
Fix dumpslow. (1 Files changed, 23 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.39 (+23 -11)
10/10/05 12:26 AMjoewhaley
Added 'dumpslow' option. (2 Files changed, 122 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.38 (+77 -90)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.21 (+45 -3)
9/27/05 4:10 PMjoewhaley
Incorporate Mayur's changes. (1 Files changed, 22 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.26 (+22 -7)
9/27/05 3:58 PMjoewhaley
Faster variable translation during load. (1 Files changed, 17 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.20 (+17 -12)
9/27/05 3:57 PMjoewhaley
New JavaBDD library. (1 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
javabdd-1.0b2.jar 1.5 (+0 -0)
9/2/05 1:02 AMjoewhaley
Add CUDD library to cvsignore. (1 Files changed, 2 Lines changed)
.cvsignore 1.10 (+2 -0)
8/30/05 4:08 AMjoewhaley
New version with better union-find. (1 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
jwutil-1.0.jar 1.8 (+0 -0)
8/30/05 4:06 AMjoewhaley
Changed to use new union-find implementation. (2 Files changed, 18 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ir/ 1.4 (+15 -61)
net/sf/bddbddb/ir/ 1.4 (+3 -3)
8/21/05 8:02 PMcs343
*** empty log message *** (1 Files changed, 2 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.14 (+2 -2)
7/22/05 12:48 PMcs343
Forgot to add a directive. (1 Files changed, 11 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.13 (+11 -2)
7/22/05 12:36 PMcs343
Added an option to remove the error about singly-used variables: -Dsingleignore=yes (1 Files changed, 3 Lines changed)
net/sf/bddbddb/ 1.12 (+3 -2)