View Javadoc
1   //, created Mar 16, 2004 12:49:19 PM 2004 by jwhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2004 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package net.sf.bddbddb;
6   import java.util.Collection;
7   import java.util.HashMap;
8   import java.util.Iterator;
9   import java.util.LinkedList;
10  import java.util.List;
11  import java.util.Map;
12  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
13  import;
14  import;
15  import;
16  import;
17  import;
18  import java.math.BigInteger;
19  import;
20  import jwutil.collections.GenericMultiMap;
21  import jwutil.collections.ListFactory;
22  import jwutil.collections.MultiMap;
23  import jwutil.collections.Pair;
24  import;
25  import jwutil.util.Assert;
26  import;
27  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDDomain;
28  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDFactory;
29  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDPairing;
31  /***
32   * An implementation of Solver that uses BDDs.
33   * 
34   * @author jwhaley
35   * @version $Id: 652 2007-03-06 07:31:06Z joewhaley $
36   */
37  public class BDDSolver extends Solver {
39      /***
40       * Filename for BDD domain info file.
41       * The BDD domain info file contains the list of domains that are allocated
42       */
43      public static String bddDomainInfoFileName = SystemProperties.getProperty("bddinfo", "bddinfo");
45      /***
46       * Link to the BDD factory we use.
47       */
48      BDDFactory bdd;
50      /***
51       * Map from a field domain to the set of BDD domains we have allocated for that field domain.
52       */
53      MultiMap fielddomainsToBDDdomains;
55      Map bddPairings;
57      public BDDPairing getPairing(Map map) {
58          if (bddPairings == null) bddPairings = new HashMap();
59          BDDPairing p = (BDDPairing) bddPairings.get(map);
60          if (p == null) {
61              p = bdd.makePair();
62              for (Iterator i = map.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
63                  Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
64                  p.set((BDDDomain) e.getKey(), (BDDDomain) e.getValue());
65              }
66              bddPairings.put(map, p);
67          }
68          return p;
69      }
71      public void ensureCapacity(Domain d, long v) {
72          ensureCapacity(d, BigInteger.valueOf(v));
73      }
75      public void ensureCapacity(Domain d, BigInteger range) {
76          if (d.getSize().compareTo(range) <= 0) {
77              d.setSize(range);
78              boolean any = false;
79              for (Iterator i = this.getBDDDomains(d).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
80                  if (ensureCapacity((BDDDomain), range)) any = true;
81              }
82              if (any) {
83                  out.println("Growing domain "+d+" to "+d.getSize());
84                  for (Iterator i = this.getBDDDomains(d).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
85                      redoPairings((BDDDomain), range);
86                  }
87                  for (Iterator i = this.getRelations().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
88                      BDDRelation r = (BDDRelation);
89                      r.calculateDomainSet();
90                      //if (!r.relation.isZero()) out.println("Relation "+r+" domains "+BDDRelation.activeDomains(r.relation));
91                  }
92                  for (Iterator i = this.getRules().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
93                      BDDInferenceRule r = (BDDInferenceRule);
94                      r.initializeQuantifySet();
95                  }
96              }
97          }
98      }
100     private boolean ensureCapacity(BDDDomain d, BigInteger range) {
101         if (true) {
102             int oldSize = d.varNum();
103             int newSize = range.bitLength();
104             if (newSize > oldSize) {
105                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("value "+range+" is out of range for domain "+d);
106             }
107             return false;
108         }
109         int oldSize = d.varNum();
110         int newSize = d.ensureCapacity(range);
111         if (oldSize != newSize) {
112             if (TRACE) out.println("Growing BDD domain "+d+" to "+newSize+" bits.");
113             return true;
114         }
115         return false;
116     }
118     private void redoPairings(BDDDomain d, BigInteger range) {
119         for (Iterator i = bddPairings.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
120             Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
121             Map map = (Map) e.getKey();
122             BDDPairing p = (BDDPairing) e.getValue();
123             boolean change = false;
124             for (Iterator j = map.entrySet().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
125                 Map.Entry e2 = (Map.Entry);
126                 if (d == e2.getKey()) {
127                     ensureCapacity((BDDDomain) e2.getValue(), range);
128                     change = true;
129                 }
130                 if (d == e2.getValue()) {
131                     ensureCapacity((BDDDomain) e2.getKey(), range);
132                     change = true;
133                 }
134             }
135             if (true) {
136                 //out.println("Pair "+map+" matches, rebuilding.");
137                 p.reset();
138                 for (Iterator j = map.entrySet().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
139                     Map.Entry e2 = (Map.Entry);
140                     p.set((BDDDomain) e2.getKey(), (BDDDomain) e2.getValue());
141                 }
142             }
143         }
144     }
146     FindBestDomainOrder fbo;
148     /***
149      * Initial size of BDD node table.
150      * You can set this with "-Dbddnodes=xxx"
151      */
152     int BDDNODES = Integer.parseInt(SystemProperties.getProperty("bddnodes", "500000"));
154     /***
155      * Initial size of BDD operation cache.
156      * You can set this with "-Dbddcache=xxx"
157      */
158     int BDDCACHE = Integer.parseInt(SystemProperties.getProperty("bddcache", "0"));
160     /***
161      * BDD minimum free parameter.  This tells the BDD library when to grow the
162      * node table.  You can set this with "-Dbddminfree=xxx"
163      */
164     double BDDMINFREE = Double.parseDouble(SystemProperties.getProperty("bddminfree", ".20"));
166     /***
167      * BDD variable ordering.
168      */
169     public String VARORDER = SystemProperties.getProperty("bddvarorder", null);
171     public String TRIALFILE = SystemProperties.getProperty("trialfile", null);
173     public String BDDREORDER = SystemProperties.getProperty("bddreorder", null);
175     /***
176      * Constructs a new BDD solver.  Also initializes the BDD library.
177      */
178     public BDDSolver() {
179         super();
180         if (BDDCACHE == 0) BDDCACHE = BDDNODES / 4;
181         out.println("Initializing BDD library (" + BDDNODES + " nodes, cache size " + BDDCACHE + ", min free " + BDDMINFREE + "%)");
182         bdd = BDDFactory.init(1000, BDDCACHE);
183         out.println("Using BDD library "+bdd.getVersion());
184         fielddomainsToBDDdomains = new GenericMultiMap(ListFactory.linkedListFactory);
185         bdd.setMinFreeNodes(BDDMINFREE);
186         try {
187             fbo = new FindBestDomainOrder(this);
188         } catch (NoClassDefFoundError x) {
189             out.println("No machine learning library found, learning disabled.");
190         }
191     }
193     /*
194      * (non-Javadoc)
195      * 
196      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#initialize()
197      */
198     public void initialize() {
199         if (!isInitialized)
200             loadBDDDomainInfo();
201         super.initialize();
202         if (!isInitialized) {
203             setVariableOrdering();
204         }
205         initialize2(); // Do some more initialization after variable ordering is set.
206         isInitialized = true;
208         if (TRIALFILE == null && inputFilename != null) {
209             String sep = SystemProperties.getProperty("file.separator");
210             int index1 = inputFilename.lastIndexOf(sep) + 1;
211             if (index1 == 0) index1 = inputFilename.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
212             int index2 = inputFilename.lastIndexOf('.');
213             if (index1 < index2)
214                 TRIALFILE = "trials_"+inputFilename.substring(index1, index2)+".xml";
215         }
216         if (TRIALFILE != null && fbo != null) fbo.loadTrials(TRIALFILE);
217     }
219     public String getBaseName() {
220         if (inputFilename == null) return null;
221         String sep = SystemProperties.getProperty("file.separator");
222         int index1 = inputFilename.lastIndexOf(sep) + 1;
223         if (index1 == 0) index1 = inputFilename.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
224         int index2 = inputFilename.lastIndexOf('.');
225         if (index1 < index2)
226             return inputFilename.substring(index1, index2);
227         else
228             return null;
229     }
231     /***
232      * Load the BDD domain info, if it exists.
233      * The domain info is the list of domains that are allocated.
234      */
235     void loadBDDDomainInfo() {
236         BufferedReader in = null;
237         try {
238             in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(basedir + bddDomainInfoFileName));
239             for (;;) {
240                 String s = in.readLine();
241                 if (s == null) break;
242                 if (s.length() == 0) continue;
243                 if (s.startsWith("#")) continue;
244                 StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s);
245                 String domain = st.nextToken();
246                 Domain fd = (Domain) nameToDomain.get(domain);
247                 allocateBDDDomain(fd);
248             }
249         } catch (IOException x) {
250         } catch (AccessControlException x) {
251         } finally {
252             if (in != null) try {
253                 in.close();
254             } catch (IOException _) {
255             }
256         }
257     }
259     /***
260      * Initialize the values of equivalence relations.
261      */
262     public void initialize2() {
263         for (Iterator i = nameToRelation.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
264             BDDRelation r = (BDDRelation);
265             r.initialize2();
266         }
267     }
269     /***
270      * Set the BDD variable ordering based on VARORDER.
271      */
272     public void setVariableOrdering() {
273         if (VARORDER != null) {
274             VARORDER = fixVarOrder(VARORDER, true);
275             out.print("Setting variable ordering to " + VARORDER + ", ");
276             if (bdd instanceof net.sf.javabdd.JFactory && BDDREORDER != null) {
277                 System.out.println("Target var order:");
278                 int[] varOrder = bdd.makeVarOrdering(true, VARORDER);
279                 for (int i = 0; i < varOrder.length; ++i) System.out.print(varOrder[i]+",");
280                 System.out.println();
282                 net.sf.javabdd.JFactory jbdd = (net.sf.javabdd.JFactory) bdd;
283                 jbdd.reverseAllDomains();
284                 jbdd.setVarOrder(VARORDER);
285             } else {
286                 int[] varOrder = bdd.makeVarOrdering(true, VARORDER);
287                 bdd.setVarOrder(varOrder);
288                 if (BDDREORDER != null) {
289                     bdd.varBlockAll();
290                 }
291             }
292             out.println("done.");
293             int[] varOrder = bdd.getVarOrder();
294             for (int i = 0; i < varOrder.length; ++i) System.out.print(varOrder[i]+",");
295             System.out.println();
296             // Grow variable table after setting var order.
297             try {
298                 bdd.setNodeTableSize(BDDNODES);
299             } catch (OutOfMemoryError x) {
300                 out.println("Not enough memory, cannot grow node table size.");
301                 bdd.setCacheSize(bdd.getNodeTableSize());
302                 bdd.setCacheRatio(4);
303             }
304             //bdd.setMaxIncrease(BDDNODES/2);
305             bdd.setIncreaseFactor(2);
306         }
307         if (BDDREORDER != null) {
308             try {
309                 BDDFactory.ReorderMethod m;
310                 java.lang.reflect.Field f = BDDFactory.class.getDeclaredField("REORDER_"+BDDREORDER);
311                 m = (BDDFactory.ReorderMethod) f.get(null);
312                 out.print("Setting dynamic reordering heuristic to " + BDDREORDER + ", ");
313                 bdd.autoReorder(m);
314                 //bdd.enableReorder();
315                 bdd.reorderVerbose(2);
316                 out.println("done.");
317             } catch (NoSuchFieldException x) {
318                 err.println("Error: no such reordering method \""+BDDREORDER+"\"");
319             } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
320                 err.println("Error: "+e+" on reordering method \""+BDDREORDER+"\"");
321             } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
322                 err.println("Error: "+e+" on reordering method \""+BDDREORDER+"\"");
323             }
324         }
325     }
327     /***
328      * Verify that the variable order is sane: Missing BDD domains are added and extra
329      * BDD domains are removed.
330      */
331     String fixVarOrder(String varOrder, boolean trace) {
332         // Verify that variable order is sane.
333         StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(varOrder, "x_");
334         List domains = new LinkedList();
335         while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
336             domains.add(st.nextToken());
337         }
338         for (int i = 0; i < bdd.numberOfDomains(); ++i) {
339             String dName = bdd.getDomain(i).getName();
340             if (domains.contains(dName)) {
341                 domains.remove(dName);
342                 continue;
343             }
344             if (trace) out.println("Adding missing domain \"" + dName + "\" to bddvarorder.");
345             String baseName = dName;
346             for (;;) {
347                 char c = baseName.charAt(baseName.length() - 1);
348                 if (c < '0' || c > '9') break;
349                 baseName = baseName.substring(0, baseName.length() - 1);
350             }
351             int j = varOrder.lastIndexOf(baseName);
352             if (j <= 0) {
353                 varOrder = dName + "_" + varOrder;
354             } else {
355                 char c = varOrder.charAt(j - 1);
356                 varOrder = varOrder.substring(0, j) + dName + c + varOrder.substring(j);
357             }
358         }
359         for (Iterator i = domains.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
360             String dName = (String);
361             if (trace) out.println("Eliminating unused domain \"" + dName + "\" from bddvarorder.");
362             int index = varOrder.indexOf(dName);
363             if (index == 0) {
364                 if (varOrder.length() <= dName.length() + 1) {
365                     varOrder = "";
366                 } else {
367                     varOrder = varOrder.substring(dName.length() + 1);
368                 }
369             } else {
370                 char before = varOrder.charAt(index - 1);
371                 int k = index + dName.length();
372                 if (before == '_' && k < varOrder.length() && varOrder.charAt(k) == 'x') {
373                     // Case: H1_V1xV2 delete "V1x" substring
374                     varOrder = varOrder.substring(0, index) + varOrder.substring(k + 1);
375                 } else {
376                     varOrder = varOrder.substring(0, index - 1) + varOrder.substring(k);
377                 }
378             }
379         }
380         return varOrder;
381     }
383     /* (non-Javadoc)
384      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#solve()
385      */
386     public void solve() {
387         if (USE_IR) {
388             BDDInterpreter interpreter = new BDDInterpreter(ir);
389             interpreter.interpret();
390         } else {
391             IterationList list = ifg.getIterationList();
392             if (NOISY) System.out.println(list.dump());
393             BDDInterpreter interpreter = new BDDInterpreter(null);
394             long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
395             interpreter.interpret(list);
396         }
397     }
399     /*
400      * (non-Javadoc)
401      * 
402      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#finish()
403      */
404     public void finish() {
405         try {
406             saveBDDDomainInfo();
407         } catch (IOException x) {
408         }
409         //fbo.dump();
410         //fbo.printTrialsDistro();
411         //fbo.printBestTrials();
412         //fbo.printBestBDDOrders();
413     }
415     /* (non-Javadoc)
416      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#cleanup()
417      */
418     public void cleanup() {
419         BDDFactory.CacheStats s = bdd.getCacheStats();
420         if (s.uniqueAccess > 0) {
421             out.println(s);
422         }
423         bdd.done();
424     }
426     /***
427      * Save the BDD domain info.
428      * 
429      * @throws IOException
430      */
431     void saveBDDDomainInfo() throws IOException {
432         BufferedWriter dos = null;
433         try {
434             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(basedir + "r" + bddDomainInfoFileName));
435             for (int i = 0; i < bdd.numberOfDomains(); ++i) {
436                 BDDDomain d = bdd.getDomain(i);
437                 for (Iterator j = fielddomainsToBDDdomains.keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
438                     Domain fd = (Domain);
439                     if (fielddomainsToBDDdomains.getValues(fd).contains(d)) {
440                         dos.write(fd.toString() + "\n");
441                         break;
442                     }
443                 }
444             }
445         } finally {
446             if (dos != null) dos.close();
447         }
448     }
450     /***
451      * Make a BDD domain with the given name and number of bits.
452      * 
453      * @param name  name of BDD domain
454      * @param bits  number of bits desired
455      * @return  new BDD domain
456      */
457     BDDDomain makeDomain(String name, int bits) {
458         Assert._assert(bits < 64);
459         BDDDomain d = bdd.extDomain(new long[]{1L << bits})[0];
460         d.setName(name);
461         return d;
462     }
464     /***
465      * Allocate a new BDD domain that matches the given domain.
466      * 
467      * @param dom  domain to match
468      * @return  new BDD domain
469      */
470     public BDDDomain allocateBDDDomain(Domain dom) {
471         int version = getBDDDomains(dom).size();
472         int bits = dom.size.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).bitLength();
473         BDDDomain d = makeDomain( + version, bits);
474         if (TRACE) out.println("Allocated BDD domain " + d + ", size " + dom.size + ", " + bits + " bits.");
475         fielddomainsToBDDdomains.add(dom, d);
476         return d;
477     }
479     /***
480      * Get the set of BDD domains allocated for a given domain.
481      * 
482      * @param dom  domain
483      * @return  set of BDD domains
484      */
485     public Collection getBDDDomains(Domain dom) {
486         return fielddomainsToBDDdomains.getValues(dom);
487     }
489     /***
490      * Get the k-th BDD domain allocated for a given domain.
491      * 
492      * @param dom  domain
493      * @param k  index
494      * @return  k-th BDD domain allocated for the given domain
495      */
496     public BDDDomain getBDDDomain(Domain dom, int k) {
497         List list = (List) fielddomainsToBDDdomains.getValues(dom);
498         return (BDDDomain) list.get(k);
499     }
501     /***
502      * Get the BDD domain with the given name.
503      * 
504      * @param s  name of BDD domain
505      * @return  BDD domain with the given name
506      */
507     public BDDDomain getBDDDomain(String s) {
508         for (int i = 0; i < bdd.numberOfDomains(); ++i) {
509             BDDDomain d = bdd.getDomain(i);
510             if (s.equals(d.getName())) return d;
511         }
512         return null;
513     }
515     /***
516      * Return the map of field domains to sets of allocated BDD domains. 
517      * 
518      * @return  map between field domains and sets of allocated BDD domains
519      */
520     public MultiMap getBDDDomains() {
521         return fielddomainsToBDDdomains;
522     }
524     /*
525      * (non-Javadoc)
526      * 
527      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#createInferenceRule(java.util.List,
528      *      net.sf.bddbddb.RuleTerm)
529      */
530     public InferenceRule createInferenceRule(List top, RuleTerm bottom) {
531         return new BDDInferenceRule(this, top, bottom);
532     }
534     /*
535      * (non-Javadoc)
536      * 
537      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#createRelation(java.lang.String,
538      *      java.util.List, java.util.List, java.util.List)
539      */
540     public Relation createRelation(String name, List attributes) {
541         while (nameToRelation.containsKey(name)) {
542             name = mungeName(name);
543         }
544         return new BDDRelation(this, name, attributes);
545     }
547     /***
548      * Munge the given name to be unique.
549      * 
550      * @param name  name of relation
551      * @return  new unique name
552      */
553     String mungeName(String name) {
554         return name + '#' + relations.size();
555     }
557     /* (non-Javadoc)
558      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#createEquivalenceRelation(net.sf.bddbddb.Domain, net.sf.bddbddb.Domain)
559      */
560     Relation createEquivalenceRelation(Domain fd1, Domain fd2) {
561         String name = fd1 + "_eq_" + fd2;
562         Attribute a1 = new Attribute(fd1 + "_1", fd1, "");
563         Attribute a2 = new Attribute(fd2 + "_2", fd2, "");
564         BDDRelation r = new BDDRelation(this, name, new Pair(a1, a2));
565         r.special_type = BDDRelation.EQ;
566         return r;
567     }
569     /* (non-Javadoc)
570      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#createLessThanRelation(net.sf.bddbddb.Domain, net.sf.bddbddb.Domain)
571      */
572     Relation createLessThanRelation(Domain fd1, Domain fd2) {
573         String name = fd1 + "_lt_" + fd2;
574         Attribute a1 = new Attribute(fd1 + "_1", fd1, "");
575         Attribute a2 = new Attribute(fd2 + "_2", fd2, "");
576         BDDRelation r = new BDDRelation(this, name, new Pair(a1, a2));
577         r.special_type = BDDRelation.LT;
578         return r;
579     }
581     /* (non-Javadoc)
582      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#createGreaterThanRelation(net.sf.bddbddb.Domain, net.sf.bddbddb.Domain)
583      */
584     Relation createGreaterThanRelation(Domain fd1, Domain fd2) {
585         String name = fd1 + "_gt_" + fd2;
586         Attribute a1 = new Attribute(fd1 + "_1", fd1, "");
587         Attribute a2 = new Attribute(fd2 + "_2", fd2, "");
588         BDDRelation r = new BDDRelation(this, name, new Pair(a1, a2));
589         r.special_type = BDDRelation.GT;
590         return r;
591     }
593     /* (non-Javadoc)
594      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#createMapRelation(net.sf.bddbddb.Domain, net.sf.bddbddb.Domain)
595      */
596     Relation createMapRelation(Domain fd1, Domain fd2) {
597         String name = "map_" + fd1 + "_" + fd2;
598         Attribute a1 = new Attribute(, fd1, "");
599         Attribute a2 = new Attribute(, fd2, "");
600         BDDRelation r = new BDDRelation(this, name, new Pair(a1, a2));
601         r.special_type = BDDRelation.MAP;
602         return r;
603     }
605     /*
606      * (non-Javadoc)
607      * 
608      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#saveResults()
609      */
610     void saveResults() throws IOException {
611         super.saveResults();
612     }
614     /*
615      * (non-Javadoc)
616      * 
617      * @see net.sf.bddbddb.Solver#reportStats()
618      */
619     public void reportStats() {
620         boolean find_best_order = !SystemProperties.getProperty("findbestorder", "no").equals("no");
621         boolean print_best_order = !SystemProperties.getProperty("printbestorder", "no").equals("no");
622         if(find_best_order || print_best_order){
623             fbo.printBestBDDOrders();
624             return;
625         }
626         int final_node_size = bdd.getNodeNum();
627         int final_table_size = bdd.getNodeTableSize();
628         out.println("MAX_NODES=" + final_table_size);
629         out.println("FINAL_NODES=" + final_node_size);
630         super.reportStats();
631     }
633     /***
634      * Get the BDD factory used by this solver.
635      * 
636      * @return  BDD factory
637      */
638     public BDDFactory getBDDFactory() {
639         return this.bdd;
640     }
642 }