View Javadoc
1   //, created Jul 29, 2004 3:40:10 PM 2004 by jwhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2004 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package net.sf.bddbddb;
6   import java.util.Collection;
7   import java.util.HashSet;
8   import java.util.Iterator;
9   import java.util.LinkedList;
10  import java.util.List;
11  import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
12  import java.util.Set;
13  import;
14  import;
15  import;
16  import;
17  import;
18  import;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import net.sf.bddbddb.Solver.MyReader;
24  /***
25   * Command-line interactive bddbddb solver.
26   * 
27   * The command line accepts anything that is valid in a Datalog file, plus
28   * a special query syntax that ends with '?'.  Queries cause the solver to
29   * automatically solve the Datalog with respect to the given query.  There
30   * are also some extra commands; type "help" to get a list of them.
31   * 
32   * @author jwhaley
33   * @version $Id: 642 2006-06-08 02:35:35Z joewhaley $
34   */
35  public class Interactive {
37      public static InputStream in =;
38      public static PrintStream out = System.out;
39      public static PrintStream err = System.err;
41      public static boolean IGNORE_OUTPUT = !SystemProperties.getProperty("ignoreoutput", "yes").equals("no");
43      /***
44       * Solver we are using.
45       */
46      protected Solver solver;
48      /***
49       * Datalog parser.
50       */
51      protected DatalogParser parser;
53      /***
54       * Construct a new interactive solver.
55       * 
56       * @param s  solver to use
57       */
58      public Interactive(Solver s) {
59          this.solver = s;
60          this.solver.out = out;
61          this.solver.err = err;
62      }
64      /***
65       * The entry point of the application.
66       * 
67       * @param args  command line args
68       * @throws InstantiationException
69       * @throws IllegalAccessException
70       * @throws ClassNotFoundException
71       * @throws IOException
72       */
73      public static void main(String[] args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
74          String solverName = SystemProperties.getProperty("solver", "net.sf.bddbddb.BDDSolver");
75          Solver dis = (Solver) Class.forName(solverName).newInstance();
76          String file = "";
77          if (args.length > 0) {
78              file = args[0];
79          }
80          dis.initializeBasedir(file);
81          Interactive a = new Interactive(dis);
82          a.parser = new DatalogParser(dis);
83          if (file.length() > 0) {
84              MyReader in = new MyReader(new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(file)));
85              out.println("Reading "+file+"...");
86              a.parser.readDatalogProgram(in);
87              in.close();
88          }
89          if (IGNORE_OUTPUT) {
90              dis.relationsToDump.clear();
91              dis.relationsToDumpTuples.clear();
92              dis.relationsToPrintSize.clear();
93              dis.relationsToPrintTuples.clear();
94          }
95          out.println("Welcome to the interactive bddbddb Datalog solver!");
96          out.println("Type a Datalog rule or query, or \"help\" for help.");
97          a.interactive();
98      }
100     /***
101      * Utility function to read a line from the given reader.
102      * Allows line wrapping using backslashes, among other things.
103      * 
104      * @param in  input reader
105      * @return  line
106      * @throws IOException
107      */
108     static String readLine(MyReader in) throws IOException {
109         String s = in.readLine();
110         if (s == null) return null;
111         s = s.trim();
112         while (s.endsWith("//")) {
113             String s2 = in.readLine();
114             if (s2 == null) break;
115             s2 = s2.trim();
116             s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1) + s2;
117         }
118         return s;
119     }
121     /***
122      * Flag to record whether or not we need to call the solver again.
123      */
124     boolean changed = false;
126     /***
127      * Log of what has been typed so far.
128      */
129     List log;
131     /***
132      * Dump the log to a file.
133      * 
134      * @throws IOException
135      */
136     void dumpLog() throws IOException {
137         BufferedWriter w = null;
138         try {
139             w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("bddbddb.log"));
140             for (Iterator i = log.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
141                 w.write("\n");
142             }
143         } finally {
144             if (w != null) try { w.close(); } catch (IOException _) { }
145         }
146     }
148     /***
149      * Print the log.
150      */
151     void printLog() {
152         for (Iterator i = log.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
153             out.println(;
154         }
155     }
157     public static void printHelp() {
158         out.println("Using Datalog:");
159         out.println();
160         /////////////12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
161         out.println(" To specify a domain:  \t<domain> <size> {<map-file-name>}");
162         out.println("    Example:\tV 1024");
163         out.println(" To specify a relation:\t<relation> (<attrib>:<domain>{,<attrib>:<domain>}*)");
164         out.println("    Example:\tR (v1:V, v2:V, h:H)");
165         out.println(" To specify a rule:    \t<relation>(<var>{,<var>}*) :- {<relation>(<var>{,<var>}*),}*.");
166         out.println("    Example:\tR(a,b,c) :- R(b,a,c), Q(c).");
167         out.println("    Example:\tX(a,b,c) :- a!=b, b<c, Y(c).");
168         out.println(" To perform a query:   \t<relation>(<var>{,<var>}*) {,<relation>(<var>{,<var>}*)}*?");
169         out.println("    Example:\tR(x,y,z), Q(z)?");
170         out.println();
171         out.println("Other commands:");
172         out.println();
173         out.println("  relations\t: list relations");
174         out.println("  rules    \t: list rules");
175         out.println("  help     \t: show this message");
176         out.println("  deleterule #{,#}*\t: delete rule(s)");
177         out.println("  save <relation>{,<relation>}\t: save relations");
178         out.println("  solve    \t: solve current set of rules/relations");
179         out.println("  dumplog  \t: dump the command log to a file");
180         out.println("  printlog \t: print the log to the screen");
181         out.println("  .include <file>\t: include (interpret) a file");
182     }
184     /***
185      * Invoke the interactive solver.
186      */
187     public void interactive() {
188         log = new LinkedList();
189         LineNumberReader lin = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
190         MyReader in = new MyReader(lin);
191         for (;;) {
192             try {
193                 out.print("> ");
194                 String s = readLine(in);
195                 if (s == null) break;
196                 if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("exit") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")) {
197                     out.println("Exiting.");
198                     return;
199                 }
200                 log.add(s);
201                 if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("help")) {
202                     printHelp();
203                     continue;
204                 }
205                 if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("dumplog")) {
206                     dumpLog();
207                     out.println("Log dumped. ("+log.size()+" lines)");
208                     continue;
209                 }
210                 if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("printlog")) {
211                     printLog();
212                     continue;
213                 }
214                 if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("solve")) {
215                     changed = true;
216                     solve();
217                     continue;
218                 }
219                 if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("rules")) {
220                     listRules();
221                     continue;
222                 }
223                 if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("relations")) {
224                     listRelations();
225                     continue;
226                 }
227                 if (s.startsWith("deleterule")) {
228                     if (s.length() <= 11) {
229                         out.println("Usage: deleterule #{,#}");
230                     } else {
231                         List rules = parseRules(s.substring(11).trim());
232                         if (rules != null && !rules.isEmpty()) {
233                             solver.rules.removeAll(rules);
234                         }
235                     }
236                     continue;
237                 }
238                 if (s.startsWith("save")) {
239                     if (s.length() <= 5) {
240                         out.println("Usage: save <relation>{,<relation>}");
241                     } else {
242                         List relations = parseRelations(s.substring(5).trim());
243                         if (relations != null && !relations.isEmpty()) {
244                             solver.relationsToDump.addAll(relations);
245                             solve();
246                             solver.relationsToDump.removeAll(relations);
247                         }
248                     }
249                     continue;
250                 }
251                 Object result = parser.parseDatalogLine(s, in);
252                 if (result != null) {
253                     changed = true;
254                     if (s.indexOf('?') >= 0 && result instanceof Collection) {
255                         // This is a query, so we should run the solver.
256                         Collection queries = (Collection) result;
257                         solve();
258                         solver.rules.removeAll(queries);
259                         for (Iterator i = queries.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
260                             InferenceRule ir = (InferenceRule);
261                             solver.deleteRelation(ir.bottom.relation);
262                   ;
263                   ;
264                         }
265                     }
266                 }
267             } catch (NoSuchElementException x) {
268                 out.println("Invalid command.");
269                 log.remove(log.size()-1);
270             } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
271                 out.println("Invalid command.");
272                 log.remove(log.size()-1);
273             } catch (IOException x) {
274                 out.println("IO Exception occurred: "+x);
275             }
276         }
277     }
279     /***
280      * Parse a list of relations.
281      * 
282      * @param s  string rep of list of relations
283      * @return  list of relations
284      */
285     List parseRelations(String s) {
286         List relations = new LinkedList();
287         while (s.length() != 0) {
288             int i = s.indexOf(',');
289             String relationName;
290             if (i == -1) relationName = s;
291             else relationName = s.substring(0, i);
292             Relation r = solver.getRelation(relationName);
293             if (r == null) {
294                 out.println("Unknown relation \""+relationName+"\"");
295                 return null;
296             }
297             relations.add(r);
298             if (i == -1) break;
299             s = s.substring(i+1).trim();
300         }
301         return relations;
302     }
304     /***
305      * Parse a list of rules.
306      * 
307      * @param s  string rep of list of rules
308      * @return  list of relations
309      */
310     List parseRules(String s) {
311         String ruleNum = null;
312         try {
313             List rules = new LinkedList();
314             for (;;) {
315                 int i = s.indexOf(',');
316                 if (i == -1) ruleNum = s;
317                 else ruleNum = s.substring(0, i);
318                 int k = Integer.parseInt(ruleNum);
319                 if (k < 1 || k > solver.rules.size()) {
320                     out.println("Rule number out of range: "+k);
321                     return null;
322                 }
323                 rules.add(solver.rules.get(k-1));
324                 if (i == -1) break;
325                 s = s.substring(i+1).trim();
326             }
327             return rules;
328         } catch (NumberFormatException x) {
329             out.println("Not a number: \""+ruleNum+"\"");
330         }
331         return null;
332     }
334     /***
335      * List the relations the solver knows about.
336      */
337     void listRelations() {
338         out.println(solver.nameToRelation.keySet());
339     }
341     /***
342      * List the rules the solver knows about.
343      */
344     void listRules() {
345         int k = 0;
346         Iterator i = solver.rules.iterator();
347         if (!i.hasNext()) {
348             out.println("No rules defined.");
349         } else {
350             while (i.hasNext()) {
351                 InferenceRule r = (InferenceRule);
352                 ++k;
353                 out.println(k+": "+r);
354             }
355         }
356     }
358     /***
359      * The set of relations that have been loaded, so we don't load them anymore.
360      */
361     Set loadedRelations = new HashSet();
363     /***
364      * Invoke the solver if we need to.
365      * Also loads relations that haven't been loaded, and saves results if necessary.
366      * 
367      * @throws IOException
368      */
369     void solve() throws IOException {
370         if (changed) {
371             solver.splitRules();
372             if (solver.NOISY) solver.out.print("Initializing solver: ");
373             solver.initialize();
374             if (solver.NOISY) solver.out.println("done.");
375             if (!loadedRelations.containsAll(solver.relationsToLoad) ||
376                 !loadedRelations.containsAll(solver.relationsToLoadTuples)) {
377                 if (solver.NOISY) solver.out.print("Loading initial relations: ");
378                 Set newRelationsToLoad = new HashSet(solver.relationsToLoad);
379                 newRelationsToLoad.removeAll(loadedRelations);
380                 long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
381                 for (Iterator i = newRelationsToLoad.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
382                     Relation r = (Relation);
383                     try {
384                         r.load();
385                     } catch (IOException x) {
386                         out.println("WARNING: Cannot load bdd " + r + ": " + x.toString());
387                     }
388                 }
389                 newRelationsToLoad = new HashSet(solver.relationsToLoadTuples);
390                 newRelationsToLoad.removeAll(loadedRelations);
391                 for (Iterator i = newRelationsToLoad.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
392                     Relation r = (Relation);
393                     try {
394                         r.loadTuples();
395                     } catch (IOException x) {
396                         out.println("WARNING: Cannot load tuples " + r + ": " + x.toString());
397                     }
398                 }
399                 time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
400                 if (solver.NOISY) solver.out.println("done. (" + time + " ms)");
401                 loadedRelations.addAll(solver.relationsToLoad);
402                 loadedRelations.addAll(solver.relationsToLoadTuples);
403             }
404             if (solver.relationsToDump.isEmpty() &&
405                 solver.relationsToDumpTuples.isEmpty() &&
406                 solver.relationsToPrintSize.isEmpty() &&
407                 solver.relationsToPrintTuples.isEmpty() &&
408                 solver.dotGraphsToDump.isEmpty()) {
409                 solver.out.println("No relations marked as output!  ");
410                 if (IGNORE_OUTPUT)
411                     out.println("(By default, the interactive driver ignores output keywords in the initial datalog.)");
412                 solver.out.println("You need to specify at least one relation as one of the following:");
413                 solver.out.println("    output");
414                 solver.out.println("    outputtuples");
415                 solver.out.println("    printsize");
416                 solver.out.println("    printtuples");
417                 solver.out.println("Alternatively, use a query like \"A(x,y)?\" rather than \"solve\".");
418                 return;
419             }
420             if (solver.NOISY) solver.out.println("Stratifying: ");
421             long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
422             solver.stratify(solver.NOISY);
423             time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
424             if (solver.NOISY) solver.out.println("done. (" + time + " ms)");
425             if (solver.NOISY) solver.out.println("Solving: ");
426             time = System.currentTimeMillis();
427             solver.solve();
428             time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
429             if (solver.NOISY) solver.out.println("done. (" + time + " ms)");
430             long solveTime = time;
431             changed = false;
432         }
433         solver.saveResults();
434     }
435 }