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1   //, created Jun 29, 2004
2   // Copyright (C) 2004 Michael Carbin
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package net.sf.bddbddb;
6   import java.util.Collection;
7   import java.util.Iterator;
8   import java.util.LinkedList;
9   import java.util.List;
10  import java.util.Map;
11  import jwutil.collections.GenericMultiMap;
12  import jwutil.collections.HashWorklist;
13  import jwutil.collections.MultiMap;
14  import jwutil.collections.Pair;
15  import jwutil.graphs.SCComponent;
16  import net.sf.bddbddb.Stratify.PDGRuleNode;
18  /***
19   * IterationFlowGraph
20   * 
21   * @author mcarbin
22   * @version $Id: 558 2005-05-23 21:10:31Z joewhaley $
23   */
24  public class IterationFlowGraph {
25      IterationList iterationElements;
26      Map innerSccs;
27      List strata, rules, loops;
28      MultiMap containedBy;
29      MultiMap dependencies;
31      public IterationFlowGraph(List rules, Stratify strat) {
32          this(rules, strat.strata, strat.innerSccs);
33      }
35      public IterationFlowGraph(List rules, List strata, Map innerSccs) {
36          this.strata = strata;
37          this.innerSccs = innerSccs;
38          this.rules = rules;
39          dependencies = new GenericMultiMap();
40          loops = new LinkedList();
41          iterationElements = new IterationList(false);
42          containedBy = new GenericMultiMap();
43          constructStrataLoops();
44          constructDependencies();
45      }
47      private void constructStrataLoops() {
48          int k = 0;
49          for (Iterator it = strata.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
50              List stratum = (List);
51              IterationList loop = buildIterationList(stratum, false);
52              iterationElements.addElement(loop);
53          }
54      }
56      private void constructDependencies() {
57          constructRuleDependencies();
58          constructListDependencies(iterationElements);
59      }
61      private void constructRuleDependencies() {
62          InferenceRule.DependenceNavigator depNav = new InferenceRule.DependenceNavigator(rules);
63          HashWorklist w = new HashWorklist(true);
64          for (Iterator it = rules.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
65              Object rule =;
66              w.add(new Pair(rule, rule));
67          }
68          //transitive closure
69          while (!w.isEmpty()) {
70              Pair pair = (Pair) w.pull();
71              Object link = pair.get(0);
72              Object initRule = pair.get(1);
73              Collection usedRelations = depNav.prev(link);
74              for (Iterator it2 = usedRelations.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
75                  Collection definingRules = depNav.prev(;
76                  for (Iterator it3 = definingRules.iterator(); it3.hasNext();) {
77                      Object o =;
78                      dependencies.add(initRule, o);
79                      w.add(new Pair(o, initRule));
80                  }
81              }
82          }
83      }
85      private void constructListDependencies(IterationList list) {
86          for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
87              IterationElement elem = (IterationElement);
88              if (elem instanceof InferenceRule) {
89                  Collection ruleDepends = dependencies.getValues(elem);
90                  for (Iterator it2 = ruleDepends.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
91                      IterationElement elem2 = (IterationElement);
92                      //nothing
93                  }
94              } else if (elem instanceof IterationList) {
95                  constructListDependencies((IterationList) elem);
96                  Collection listDepends = dependencies.getValues(elem);
97                  for (Iterator it2 = listDepends.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
98                      IterationElement elem2 = (IterationElement);
99                      //nothing
100                 }
101             }
102         }
103     }
105     IterationList buildIterationList(List sccList, boolean isLoop) {
106         IterationList list = new IterationList(isLoop);
107         for (Iterator a = sccList.iterator(); a.hasNext(); ) {
108             SCComponent scc = (SCComponent);
109             List c = (List) innerSccs.get(scc);
110             if (c == null || c.isEmpty()) {
111                 IterationList list2;
112                 if (!isLoop && scc.isLoop()) {
113                     list2 = new IterationList(true);
114                     list.addElement(list2);
115                 } else {
116                     list2 = list;
117                 }
118                 for (Iterator it = scc.nodeSet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
119                     Object o =;
120                     if (o instanceof PDGRuleNode) {
121                         InferenceRule r = ((PDGRuleNode)o).rule;
122                         if (r != null) {
123                             list2.addElement(r);
124                             containedBy.add(r, list2);
125                             if (list != list2)
126                                 containedBy.add(r, list);
127                         }
128                     }
129                 }
130             } else {
131                 IterationList childLoop = buildIterationList(c, scc.isLoop());
132                 list.addElement(childLoop);
133                 Collection childElems = childLoop.getAllNestedElements();
134                 for (Iterator it2 = childElems.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
135                     containedBy.add(, list);
136                 }
137             }
138         }
139         return list;
140     }
142     public String toString() {
143         return iterationElements.toString();
144     }
146     public boolean dependsOn(IterationElement e1, IterationElement e2) {
147         return dependencies.getValues(e1).contains(e2);
148     }
150     public IterationList getIterationList() {
151         return iterationElements;
152     }
154     public IterationList expand() {
155         if (iterationElements.isLoop()) {
156             IterationList unrolled = iterationElements.unroll();
157             iterationElements.expandInLoop();
158             unrolled.elements.add(iterationElements);
159             iterationElements = unrolled;
160         } else {
161             iterationElements.expand(true);
162         }
163         return iterationElements;
164     }
166     /***
167      * @return Returns the loops.
168      */
169     public List getLoops() {
170         return loops;
171     }
173     public IterationElement getIterationElement(String s) {
174         return iterationElements.getElement(s);
175     }
176 }