View Javadoc
1   //, created May 4, 2004 4:08:32 PM 2004 by jwhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2004 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package net.sf.bddbddb;
6   import java.util.Collection;
7   import java.util.Collections;
8   import java.util.HashMap;
9   import java.util.Iterator;
10  import java.util.LinkedList;
11  import java.util.List;
12  import java.util.Map;
13  import;
14  import java.math.BigInteger;
15  import jwutil.collections.Pair;
16  import jwutil.graphs.Graph;
17  import jwutil.graphs.Navigator;
18  import jwutil.util.Assert;
20  /***
21   * Allows relations to be treated as edges in a graph, so we can use
22   * graph algorithms on them.
23   * 
24   * @author jwhaley
25   * @version $Id: 350 2004-10-20 01:15:41Z joewhaley $
26   */
27  public class RelationGraph implements Graph {
29      /***
30       * Trace flag.
31       */
32      protected boolean TRACE = false;
34      /***
35       * Trace output stream.
36       */
37      protected PrintStream out = System.out;
39      /***
40       * The rule term that represents the set of roots.
41       */
42      RuleTerm root;
44      /***
45       * The variable used as the root.
46       */
47      Variable rootVariable;
49      /***
50       * List of rule terms that represent edges in the graph.
51       */
52      List/*<RuleTerm>*/ edges;
54      /***
55       * Construct a new relation graph with the given root term, root variable, and list
56       * of terms that represent edges in the graph.
57       * 
58       * @param root  root term
59       * @param rootVar  root variable
60       * @param edges  list of terms representing edges in the graph
61       */
62      RelationGraph(RuleTerm root, Variable rootVar, List/*<RuleTerm>*/ edges) {
63          this.root = root;
64          this.rootVariable = rootVar;
65          this.edges = edges;
66      }
68      /***
69       * Construct a new relation graph that uses a given relation as the set of
70       * roots and another as the set of edges.  This is just an easier way of 
71       * constructing a simple graph so that you don't have to build up rule terms.
72       * 
73       * @param roots  set of roots
74       * @param edges  set of edges
75       */
76      RelationGraph(Relation roots, Relation edges) {
77          Assert._assert(roots.attributes.size() == 1);
78          Assert._assert(edges.attributes.size() == 2);
79          Attribute a = (Attribute) roots.attributes.get(0);
80          Domain fd = a.attributeDomain;
81          this.rootVariable = new Variable(fd.toString(), fd);
82          List varList = Collections.singletonList(rootVariable);
83          this.root = new RuleTerm(roots, varList);
84          Assert._assert(edges.getAttribute(0).attributeDomain == fd);
85          Assert._assert(edges.getAttribute(1).attributeDomain == fd);
86          List varList2 = new Pair(rootVariable, rootVariable);
87          RuleTerm edge = new RuleTerm(edges, varList2);
88          this.edges = Collections.singletonList(edge);
89      }
91      /***
92       * A node in the relation graph.
93       */
94      static class GraphNode {
95          Variable v;
96          BigInteger number;
98          /***
99           * Make a new graph node with the given variable and value.
100          * 
101          * @param var  variable
102          * @param num  value
103          */
104         GraphNode(Variable var, BigInteger num) {
105             this.v = var;
106             this.number = num;
107         }
109         /* (non-Javadoc)
110          * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
111          */
112         public int hashCode() {
113             return v.hashCode() ^ number.hashCode();
114         }
116         /***
117          * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
118          */
119         public boolean equals(GraphNode that) {
120             return this.v == that.v && this.number.equals(that.number);
121         }
123         /* (non-Javadoc)
124          * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
125          */
126         public boolean equals(Object o) {
127             return equals((GraphNode) o);
128         }
130         /* (non-Javadoc)
131          * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
132          */
133         public String toString() {
134             return v.toString() + ":" + number;
135         }
136     }
138     /***
139      * Make a new graph node with the given variable and value.
140      * 
141      * @param v  variable
142      * @param num  value
143      * @return  new graph node
144      */
145     static GraphNode makeGraphNode(Variable v, BigInteger num) {
146         return new GraphNode(v, num);
147     }
149     /***
150      * Navigator object for this graph.
151      */
152     Nav navigator = new Nav();
154     /***
155      * Navigator for a relation graph.
156      */
157     class Nav implements Navigator {
159         Map prevCache;
160         Map nextCache;
161         int cacheHit, cacheMiss;
163         Nav() {
164             prevCache = new HashMap();
165             nextCache = new HashMap();
166         }
168         /***
169          * Get the edges from a node where the from and to variables match the indices given.
170          * 
171          * @param node  graph node
172          * @param fromIndex  index of from variable
173          * @param toIndex  index of to variable
174          * @return  collection of edges
175          */
176         Collection getEdges(Object node, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
177             GraphNode gn = (GraphNode) node;
178             if (TRACE) out.println("Getting edges of " + gn + " indices (" + fromIndex + "," + toIndex + ")");
179             Collection c = new LinkedList();
180             for (Iterator a = edges.iterator(); a.hasNext();) {
181                 RuleTerm rt = (RuleTerm);
182                 if (rt.variables.get(fromIndex) == gn.v) {
183                     if (TRACE) out.println("Rule term " + rt + " matches");
184                     Variable v2 = (Variable) rt.variables.get(toIndex);
185                     TupleIterator i = rt.relation.iterator(fromIndex, gn.number);
186                     while (i.hasNext()) {
187                         BigInteger[] j = i.nextTuple();
188                         c.add(new GraphNode(v2, j[toIndex]));
189                     }
190                 }
191             }
192             if (TRACE) out.println("Edges: " + c);
193             return c;
194         }
196         void printCacheRatio() {
197             System.out.print("Navigating relation graph: ");
198             System.out.print(cacheHit+"/"+(cacheHit+cacheMiss)+": ");
199             System.out.print(((double)cacheHit/(cacheHit+cacheMiss)));
200             System.out.print("                \r");
201         }
203         /*
204          * (non-Javadoc)
205          * 
206          * @see joeq.Util.Graphs.Navigator#next(java.lang.Object)
207          */
208         public Collection next(Object node) {
209             Collection result = (Collection) nextCache.get(node);
210             if (result == null) {
211                 cacheMiss++;
212                 nextCache.put(node, result = getEdges(node, 0, 1));
213             } else {
214                 cacheHit++;
215             }
216             if ((cacheMiss + cacheHit) % 256 == 0) printCacheRatio();
217             return result;
218         }
220         /*
221          * (non-Javadoc)
222          * 
223          * @see joeq.Util.Graphs.Navigator#prev(java.lang.Object)
224          */
225         public Collection prev(Object node) {
226             Collection result = (Collection) prevCache.get(node);
227             if (result == null) {
228                 cacheMiss++;
229                 prevCache.put(node, result = getEdges(node, 1, 0));
230             } else {
231                 cacheHit++;
232             }
233             if ((cacheMiss + cacheHit) % 256 == 0) printCacheRatio();
234             return result;
235         }
236     }
238     /*
239      * (non-Javadoc)
240      * 
241      * @see joeq.Util.Graphs.Graph#getRoots()
242      */
243     public Collection getRoots() {
244         Relation rootRelation = root.relation;
245         int k = root.variables.indexOf(rootVariable);
246         Collection roots = new LinkedList();
247         TupleIterator i = rootRelation.iterator(k);
248         while (i.hasNext()) {
249             BigInteger j = i.nextTuple()[0];
250             roots.add(new GraphNode(rootVariable, j));
251         }
252         if (TRACE) out.println("Roots of graph: " + roots);
253         return roots;
254     }
256     /*
257      * (non-Javadoc)
258      * 
259      * @see joeq.Util.Graphs.Graph#getNavigator()
260      */
261     public Navigator getNavigator() {
262         return navigator;
263     }
264 }