View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Created on Jan 15, 2005
3    *
4    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
5    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
6    */
7   package net.sf.bddbddb.order;
9   import java.util.Arrays;
10  import java.util.Collection;
11  import java.util.Iterator;
12  import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
13  import java.util.LinkedList;
14  import java.util.List;
15  import java.util.Map;
17  import net.sf.bddbddb.BDDInferenceRule;
18  import net.sf.bddbddb.FindBestDomainOrder;
19  import net.sf.bddbddb.InferenceRule;
20  import net.sf.bddbddb.Solver;
22  import org.jdom.Element;
25  /***
26   * A collection of trials on the same test. (The same BDD operation.)
27   * 
28   * @author John Whaley
29   * @version $Id: 563 2005-05-24 05:24:11Z joewhaley $
30   */
31  public class EpisodeCollection {
32      /***
33       * Name of the test.
34       */
35      public String name;
37      /***
38       * Time of the test.
39       */
40      //long timeStamp;
42      public static String RULE_CONST = "rule";
43      public static String SPACER = "_";
44      public static String UPDATE_CONST = "update";
45      public static String OP_CONST = "op";
46      /***
47       * Map from orders to their trial information.
48       */
49      public Map/*<Order,TrialInfo>*/ trials;
51      List episodes;
53      /***
54       * Best trial so far.
55       */
56      TrialInfo best;
58      /***
59       * Trial info sorted by cost. Updated automatically when necessary.
60       */
61      transient TrialInfo[] sorted;
63      /***
64       * Construct a new collection of trials.
65       */
66      public EpisodeCollection(BDDInferenceRule rule, int opNum) {
67          name = RULE_CONST + + SPACER + UPDATE_CONST + rule.updateCount + SPACER + OP_CONST + opNum;     
68          trials = new LinkedHashMap();
69          sorted = null;
70          episodes = new LinkedList();
71      }
73      EpisodeCollection(String n){
74          name = n;     
75          trials = new LinkedHashMap();
76          sorted = null;
77          episodes = new LinkedList();
78      }
80      /* TODO stamp episodes instead of the collection */
81  /*    public void setTimeStamp(long stamp){
82          timeStamp = stamp;
83      }
84  */
85          /***
86       * Add the information about a trial to this collection.
87       * 
88       * @param i  trial info
89       */
90      public void addTrial(TrialInfo i) {
91          if (FindBestDomainOrder.TRACE > 2) FindBestDomainOrder.out.println(this+": Adding trial "+i);
92          trials.put(i.order, i);
93          if (best == null || best.cost > i.cost) {
94              best = i;
95          }
96          sorted = null;
97      }
99      /***
100      * Add the information about a trial to this collection.
101      * 
102      * @param o  order
103      * @param p predicted value for this trial
104      * @param cost  cost of operation
105      */
106     public void addTrial(Order o, TrialPrediction p, long cost, long timestamp) {
107         Episode ep = getCurrEpisode();
108         if(ep == null) ep = startNewEpisode(System.currentTimeMillis());
110         addTrial(new TrialInfo(o, p, cost, ep, timestamp));
111     }
115     /***
116      * Returns true if this collection contains a trial with the given order,
117      * false otherwise.
118      * 
119      * @param o  order
120      * @return true if this collection contains it, false otherwise
121      */
122     public boolean contains(Order o) {
123         return trials.containsKey(o);
124     }
126     /***
127      * Calculates the standard deviation of a collection of trials.
128      * 
129      * @param trials  collection of trials
130      * @return variance
131      */
132     public static double getStdDev(Collection trials) {
133         return Math.sqrt(getVariance(trials));
134     }
136     /***
137      * @return the standard deviation of the trials
138      */
139     public double getStdDev() {
140         return getStdDev(trials.values());
141     }
143     /***
144      * Calculates the variance of a collection of trials.
145      * 
146      * @param trials  collection of trials
147      * @return variance
148      */
149     public static double getVariance(Collection trials) {
150         double sum = 0.;
151         double sumOfSquares = 0.;
152         int n = 0;
153         for (Iterator i = trials.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ++n) {
154             TrialInfo t = (TrialInfo);
155             double c = (double) t.cost;
156             sum += c;
157             sumOfSquares += c * c;
158         }
159         // variance = (n*sum(X^2) - (sum(X)^2))/n^2
160         double variance = (sumOfSquares * n - sum * sum) / (n * n);
161         return variance;
162     }
164     /***
165      * @return the variance of the trials
166      */
167     public double getVariance() {
168         return getVariance(trials.values());
169     }
171     /***
172      * @return the minimum cost trial
173      */
174     public TrialInfo getMinimum() {
175         return best;
176     }
178     /***
179      * @return the maximum cost trial
180      */
181     public TrialInfo getMaximum() {
182         TrialInfo best = null;
183         for (Iterator i = trials.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
184             TrialInfo t = (TrialInfo);
185             if (best == null || t.cost > best.cost)
186                 best = t;
187         }
188         return best;
189     }
191     /***
192      * @return the mean of the trials
193      */
194     public long getAverage() {
195         long total = 0;
196         int count = 0;
197         for (Iterator i = trials.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ++count) {
198             TrialInfo t = (TrialInfo);
199             total += t.cost;
200         }
201         if (count == 0) return 0L;
202         else return total / count;
203     }
205     /***
206      * @return the trials sorted by increasing cost
207      */
208     public TrialInfo[] getSorted() {
209         if (sorted == null) {
210             sorted = (TrialInfo[]) trials.values().toArray(new TrialInfo[trials.size()]);
211             Arrays.sort(sorted);
212         }
213         return sorted;
214     }
216     /***
217      * @return the collection of trials
218      */
219     public Collection getTrials() {
220         return trials.values();
221     }
223     /***
224      * @return the number of trials in this collection
225      */
226     public int getNumTrials() {
227         return trials.size();
228     }
230     /* (non-Javadoc)
231      * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
232      */
233     public String toString() {
234         return name;
235         /*+ "@" + FindBestDomainOrder.dateFormat.format(new Date(timeStamp));*/
236     }
238     /***
239      * Returns this EpisodeCollection as an XML element.
240      * 
241      * @return XML element
242      */
243     public Element toXMLElement() {
244         Element dis = new Element("episodeCollection");
245         dis.setAttribute("name", name);
246         /* dis.setAttribute("timeStamp", Long.toString(timeStamp));*/
247         for(Iterator it = episodes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ){
248             Episode ep = (Episode);
249             dis.addContent(ep.toXMLElement());
250         }
252         return dis;
253     }
255     static InferenceRule parseRule(Solver solver, String s) {
256         int updateIndex = s.indexOf(UPDATE_CONST);
258         int ruleNum = -1;
259         if(updateIndex > -1)
260             ruleNum = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(RULE_CONST.length(),updateIndex - 1));
261         else
262             ruleNum = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(RULE_CONST.length()));
264         InferenceRule rule = solver.getRule(ruleNum);
265         return rule;
266     }
268     static int parseUpdateCount(String s){
269        int updateIndex = s.indexOf(UPDATE_CONST);
270        int opIndex = s.indexOf(OP_CONST);
271        if(opIndex > -1){
272            return Integer.parseInt(s.substring(updateIndex + UPDATE_CONST.length(), opIndex - 1));
273        }else if(updateIndex > -1){
274            return Integer.parseInt(s.substring(updateIndex + UPDATE_CONST.length()));
275        }
276         return -1;
277     }
279     static int parseOpNumber(String s){
280         int opIndex = s.indexOf(OP_CONST);
281         if(opIndex > -1)
282             return Integer.parseInt(s.substring(opIndex + OP_CONST.length()));
283         return -1;
284     }
286     public InferenceRule getRule(Solver solver) {
287         return parseRule(solver, name);
288     }
290     public int getUpdateCount(){ return parseUpdateCount(name); }
292     public int getOpNumber(){ return parseOpNumber(name); }
294     public static EpisodeCollection fromXMLElement(Element e, Solver solver) {
295         String name = e.getAttributeValue("name");
296         InferenceRule rule = parseRule(solver, name);
297         Map nameToVar = rule.getVarNameMap();
298   /*      long timeStamp;
299         try {
300             timeStamp = Long.parseLong(e.getAttributeValue("timeStamp"));
301         } catch (NumberFormatException _) {
302             timeStamp = 0L;
303         }
304     */   
305         EpisodeCollection ec = new EpisodeCollection(name);
306         /* backwards compatible: try to parse out trial info's and if it fails
307          * parse episodes instead.
308          */
309         try{
310             long timestamp = Long.parseLong(e.getAttributeValue("timestamp"));
311             Episode ep = ec.startNewEpisode(timestamp);
312             for (Iterator i = e.getContent().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
313                 Object e2 =;
314                 if (e2 instanceof Element) {
315                     TrialInfo ti = TrialInfo.fromXMLElement((Element) e2, nameToVar, ep);
316                     ep.addTrial(ti);
317                 }
318             }
319         }catch(IllegalArgumentException ex){
320             ec.episodes.clear();
321             for(Iterator it = e.getContent().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ){
322                 Object elem2 =;
323                 if(elem2 instanceof Element)
324                     episodeFromXMLElement((Element) elem2,nameToVar, ec);
325             }
326         }
328         return ec;
329     }
330     public Collection getOrders(){ return trials.keySet(); }
331     public Episode startNewEpisode(long timestamp){
332         Episode ep = new Episode(timestamp);
333         episodes.add(ep);
334         return ep;
335     }
336     /* will throw an expection if no episodes have been started */
337     public Episode getCurrEpisode(){
338         if(episodes.size() == 0) return null;
339         return (Episode) episodes.get(episodes.size() - 1);
340     }
341     /* has side effects on trialcollection */
342     public static Episode episodeFromXMLElement(Element elem1, Map nameToVar, EpisodeCollection tc){
344         long timestamp = Long.parseLong(elem1.getAttributeValue("timestamp"));
345         Episode ep = tc.startNewEpisode(timestamp);
346         for (Iterator i = elem1.getContent().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
347             Object elem2 =;
348             if (elem2 instanceof Element) {
349                 TrialInfo ti = TrialInfo.fromXMLElement((Element) elem2, nameToVar, ep);
350                 ep.addTrial(ti);
351             }
352         }
353         return ep;
354     }
358     public class Episode{
359       Map trials;
360       TrialInfo best;
361       long timestamp;
362       public Episode(long timestamp){
363           this.timestamp = timestamp;
364           trials = new LinkedHashMap();
365       }
366       public void addTrial(TrialInfo ti){
367           trials.put(ti.order, ti);
368           if (best == null || best.cost > ti.cost) {
369               best = ti;
370           }
371           EpisodeCollection.this.addTrial(ti);
372       }
374       public Element toXMLElement(){
375           Element e = new Element("episode");
376           e.setAttribute("timestamp", Long.toString(timestamp));
377          for (Iterator i = trials.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
378               TrialInfo info = (TrialInfo);
379               e.addContent(info.toXMLElement());
380           }
381           return e;
382       }
383       public EpisodeCollection getEpisodeCollection(){ return EpisodeCollection.this; }
384     }    
385 }