Class NumberingRule

  extended by net.sf.bddbddb.InferenceRule
      extended by net.sf.bddbddb.NumberingRule
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NumberingRule
extends InferenceRule

This class represents a special kind of rule used for numbering paths. The form of the rule is as follows: pathNum(a,b,x,y) :- A(a,b),B(b,c),C(c,d),D(d,e). number The subgoal relations (A, B, C, and D) define the edges of the graph. The first two variables of the head relation define the edge you want to number, and the next two variables are filled in with the number of the source and destination, respectively.

$Id: 585 2005-06-10 18:04:11Z joewhaley $

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.sf.bddbddb.InferenceRule
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.bddbddb.InferenceRule
bottom, id, necessaryVariables, solver, top, unnecessaryVariables
Method Summary
 Variable checkUnnecessaryVariables()
          Checks to see if there are any variables that only appear once.
 void reportStats()
          Report statistics about this rule.
 java.util.Collection split(int myIndex)
          Splits a rule into a collection of rules, such that each of the new rules has only two subgoals.
 boolean update()
          Update the head relation of this rule based on the subgoal relations.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.bddbddb.InferenceRule
calculateNecessaryVariables, copyOptions, free, fromXMLElement, generateIR_incremental, generateIR, getAttribute, getHead, getNecessaryVariables, getRelationToDefiningRule, getRelationToUsingRule, getSubgoals, getUnnecessaryVariables, getVariable, getVariables, getVarNameMap, hashCode, numberOfVariables, toString, toXMLElement
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public java.util.Collection split(int myIndex)
Description copied from class: InferenceRule
Splits a rule into a collection of rules, such that each of the new rules has only two subgoals. The current rule is simply mutated and not returned in the collection.

split in class InferenceRule
myIndex - index number used to name the new rules
collection of new inference rules


public Variable checkUnnecessaryVariables()
Description copied from class: InferenceRule
Checks to see if there are any variables that only appear once.

checkUnnecessaryVariables in class InferenceRule


public boolean update()
Description copied from class: InferenceRule
Update the head relation of this rule based on the subgoal relations. Returns true if the head relation changed.

Specified by:
update in class InferenceRule
true if the head relation changed


public void reportStats()
Description copied from class: InferenceRule
Report statistics about this rule.

Specified by:
reportStats in class InferenceRule

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