Package net.sf.bddbddb

Interface Summary
IterationElement IterationElement

Class Summary
Attribute An Attribute represents a single attribute of a relation.
BDDInferenceRule An implementation of InferenceRule that uses BDDs.
BDDRelation An implementation of Relation that uses BDDs.
BDDSolver An implementation of Solver that uses BDDs.
BuildEquivalenceRelation Utility to build equivalence relations between multiple domains.
CodeFragment CodeFragment
Constant A Constant is a special kind of variable that represents a constant value.
DatalogParser DatalogParser
Domain A Domain represents a domain in bddbddb.
Dot Dot
FindBestDomainOrder FindBestDomainOrder Design: TrialInfo : order, cost EpisodeCollection : collection of TrialInfo, best time, worst time Constraint: a ConstraintInfo collection Rule -> ConstraintInfo collection EpisodeCollection -> ConstraintInfo collection Algorithm to compute best order: - Combine and sort single constraints from relation, rule, trials so far.
FindBestDomainOrder.OrderInfo Calculated information about an order.
InferenceRule An InferenceRule represents a single Datalog rule.
InferenceRule.DependenceNavigator A navigator that can navigate over rule dependencies.
Interactive Command-line interactive bddbddb solver.
IterationFlowGraph IterationFlowGraph
IterationList IterationList
LSInferenceRule LSInferenceRule
LSRelation LSRelation
LSSolver LSSolver
NumberingRule This class represents a special kind of rule used for numbering paths.
Relation Represents a relation in bddbddb.
RelationGraph Allows relations to be treated as edges in a graph, so we can use graph algorithms on them.
RuleTerm A term in a Datalog rule.
Solver Solver
Solver.MyReader A LineNumberReader that can nest through multiple included files.
SolverGUI SolverGUI
Stratify Implements stratification and decides iteration order.
TupleIterator TupleIterator
Universe A Universe is a special kind of variable that represents all values in a domain.
Variable A Variable is a variable in a rule.
XMLFactory XMLFactory

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