Uses of Class

Packages that use Domain

Uses of Domain in net.sf.bddbddb

Fields in net.sf.bddbddb declared as Domain
protected  Domain Attribute.attributeDomain
          Attribute domain.
protected  Domain Variable.domain
          Domain of variable.

Methods in net.sf.bddbddb that return Domain
 Domain Variable.getDomain()
          Get the domain of this variable.
 Domain Attribute.getDomain()
          Returns the domain of this attribute.
 Domain Solver.getDomain(java.lang.String name)
          Get the named domain.

Methods in net.sf.bddbddb with parameters of type Domain
 net.sf.javabdd.BDDDomain BDDSolver.allocateBDDDomain(Domain dom)
          Allocate a new BDD domain that matches the given domain.
 void BDDSolver.ensureCapacity(Domain d, java.math.BigInteger range)
 void BDDSolver.ensureCapacity(Domain d, long v)
 net.sf.javabdd.BDDDomain BDDSolver.getBDDDomain(Domain dom, int k)
          Get the k-th BDD domain allocated for a given domain.
 java.util.Collection BDDSolver.getBDDDomains(Domain dom)
          Get the set of BDD domains allocated for a given domain.
 void Variable.setDomain(Domain domain)
          Set the domain of this variable.

Constructors in net.sf.bddbddb with parameters of type Domain
Universe(Domain fd)
          Create a universe on the given domain.
Variable(java.lang.String name, Domain fd)
          Create a new variable with the given name and domain.

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