Uses of Class

Packages that use Solver

Uses of Solver in net.sf.bddbddb

Subclasses of Solver in net.sf.bddbddb
 class BDDSolver
          An implementation of Solver that uses BDDs.
 class LSSolver

Fields in net.sf.bddbddb declared as Solver
protected  Solver Interactive.solver
          Solver we are using.
 Solver Stratify.solver
protected  Solver InferenceRule.solver
          Link to solver.

Methods in net.sf.bddbddb that return Solver
static Solver Solver.execSolver(java.lang.String[] args)
static Solver Solver.main2(java.lang.String[] args)
          The entry point to the application.

Methods in net.sf.bddbddb with parameters of type Solver
static InferenceRule InferenceRule.fromXMLElement(org.jdom.Element e, Solver s)
static RuleTerm RuleTerm.fromXMLElement(org.jdom.Element e, Solver s, java.util.Map nameToVar)
 Relation Relation.makeNegated(Solver solver)
          Get or create the negated form of this relation.
static void FindBestDomainOrder.printTrialsDistro(java.util.Collection trials, Solver solver)

Constructors in net.sf.bddbddb with parameters of type Solver
DatalogParser(Solver solver)
          Construct a new Datalog parser with the given solver.
FindBestDomainOrder.ConstraintInfoCollection(Solver s)
FindBestDomainOrder(Solver s)
          Construct a new empty FindBestDomainOrder object.
InferenceRule(Solver solver, java.util.List top, RuleTerm bottom)
          Construct a new inference rule.
InferenceRule(Solver solver, java.util.List top, RuleTerm bottom, int id)
Interactive(Solver s)
          Construct a new interactive solver.
LSInferenceRule(Solver solver, java.util.List top, RuleTerm bottom)
LSInferenceRule(Solver solver, java.util.List top, RuleTerm bottom, int id)
Relation(Solver solver, java.lang.String name, java.util.List attributes)
          Create a new Relation.
Stratify(Solver solver)

Uses of Solver in

Fields in declared as Solver
 Solver IR.solver

Methods in with parameters of type Solver
static IR IR.create(Solver solver, java.util.List strata, java.util.Map innerSccs)

Constructors in with parameters of type Solver
DomainAssignment(Solver s)
DomainAssignment(Solver s, PartialOrder.Constraints[] constraints)
PartialOrderDomainAssignment(Solver s, PartialOrder.Constraints[] constraintMap)
UFDomainAssignment(Solver s)
UFDomainAssignment(Solver s, PartialOrder.Constraints[] constraintMap)

Uses of Solver in net.sf.bddbddb.order

Methods in net.sf.bddbddb.order with parameters of type Solver
static EpisodeCollection EpisodeCollection.fromXMLElement(org.jdom.Element e, Solver solver)
 InferenceRule EpisodeCollection.getRule(Solver solver)
 org.jdom.Element ConstraintInfo.toXMLElement(Solver solver)

Constructors in net.sf.bddbddb.order with parameters of type Solver
AttribToDomainMap(Solver s)

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