View Javadoc
1   //, created May 10, 2004 by cunkel
2   // Copyright (C) 2004 cunkel
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package net.sf.bddbddb;
6   import java.util.Collection;
7   import java.util.HashMap;
8   import java.util.HashSet;
9   import java.util.Iterator;
10  import java.util.LinkedList;
11  import java.util.Map;
12  import java.util.Set;
13  import;
14  import;
15  import;
16  import;
17  import java.math.BigInteger;
18  import jwutil.collections.HashWorklist;
19  import jwutil.collections.Worklist;
20  import jwutil.graphs.Graph;
21  import jwutil.strings.MyStringTokenizer;
22  import jwutil.util.Assert;
23  import net.sf.bddbddb.RelationGraph.GraphNode;
25  /***
26   * Dot
27   * 
28   * @author cunkel
29   * @version $Id: 522 2005-04-29 02:34:44Z joewhaley $
30   */
31  public class Dot {
32      private Solver solver;
33      private Collection/* EdgeSource */edgeSources;
34      private Collection/* NodeAttributeModifier */nodeModifiers;
35      private Worklist worklist;
36      private Collection/* String */nodes;
37      private Collection/* String */edges;
38      private Collection/* Relation */usedRelations;
39      private String outputFileName;
41      Dot() {
42          edgeSources = new LinkedList();
43          nodeModifiers = new LinkedList();
44          worklist = new HashWorklist(true);
45          nodes = new LinkedList();
46          edges = new LinkedList();
47          usedRelations = new HashSet();
48      }
50      void outputGraph() throws IOException {
51          Iterator i = edgeSources.iterator();
52          Set allRoots = new HashSet();
53          while (i.hasNext()) {
54              allRoots.addAll(((EdgeSource);
55          }
56          i = allRoots.iterator();
57          while (i.hasNext()) {
58              worklist.push(;
59          }
60          while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
61              GraphNode n = (GraphNode) worklist.pull();
62              visitNode(n);
63          }
64          BufferedWriter dos = null;
65          try {
66              dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(solver.basedir + outputFileName));
67              dos.write("digraph {\n");
68              dos.write("  size=\"7.5,10\";\n");
69              //dos.write(" rotate=90;\n");
70              dos.write("  concentrate=true;\n");
71              dos.write("  ratio=fill;\n");
72              dos.write("  rankdir=LR;");
73              dos.write("\n");
74              i = nodes.iterator();
75              while (i.hasNext()) {
76                  dos.write("  ");
77                  dos.write((String);
78              }
79              dos.write("\n");
80              i = edges.iterator();
81              while (i.hasNext()) {
82                  dos.write("  ");
83                  dos.write((String);
84              }
85              dos.write("}\n");
86          } finally {
87              if (dos != null) {
88                  dos.close();
89              }
90          }
91      }
93      void parseInput(Solver s, LineNumberReader in) throws IOException {
94          solver = s;
95          String currentLine = in.readLine();
96          while (currentLine != null) {
97              solver.out.println("Parsing " + currentLine);
98              MyStringTokenizer st = new MyStringTokenizer(currentLine, " \t,()");
99              parseLine(st);
100             currentLine = in.readLine();
101         }
102     }
104     private void parseLine(MyStringTokenizer st) {
105         if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) {
106             return;
107         }
108         String s = st.nextToken();
109         if (s.startsWith("#")) {
110             return;
111         }
112         if (s.equals("edge")) {
113             String relationName = st.nextToken();
114             String roots = st.nextToken();
115             String rootsName = st.nextToken();
116             if (!roots.equals("roots")) {
117                 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
118             }
119             Relation edgeRelation = solver.getRelation(relationName);
120             Relation rootsRelation = solver.getRelation(rootsName);
121             usedRelations.add(edgeRelation);
122             usedRelations.add(rootsRelation);
123             EdgeSource es = new EdgeSource(edgeRelation, rootsRelation);
124             if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
125                 String label = st.nextToken();
126                 if (!label.equals("label")) {
127                     throw new IllegalArgumentException();
128                 }
129                 relationName = st.nextToken();
130                 String[] e = new String[3];
131                 e[0] = st.nextToken();
132                 e[1] = st.nextToken();
133                 e[2] = st.nextToken();
134                 int sourceIndex = -1;
135                 int labelIndex = -1;
136                 int sinkIndex = -1;
137                 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
138                     if (e[i].equals("source")) {
139                         sourceIndex = i;
140                     } else if (e[i].equals("sink")) {
141                         sinkIndex = i;
142                     } else if (e[i].equals("label")) {
143                         labelIndex = i;
144                     }
145                 }
146                 if (sourceIndex == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
147                 if (sinkIndex == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
148                 if (labelIndex == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
149                 Relation labelRelation = solver.getRelation(relationName);
150                 usedRelations.add(labelRelation);
151                 es.setLabelSource(new LabelSource(labelRelation, sourceIndex, sinkIndex, labelIndex));
152             }
153             edgeSources.add(es);
154         } else if (s.equals("domain")) {
155             String domainName = st.nextToken();
156             String attribute = st.nextToken();
157             String value = st.nextToken();
158             nodeModifiers.add(new DomainModifier(attribute, value, solver.getDomain(domainName)));
159         } else if (s.equals("default")) {
160             String attribute = st.nextToken();
161             String value = st.nextToken();
162             nodeModifiers.add(new DefaultModifier(attribute, value));
163         } else if (s.equals("relation")) {
164             String relationName = st.nextToken();
165             String attribute = st.nextToken();
166             String value = st.nextToken();
167             BDDRelation relation = (BDDRelation) solver.getRelation(relationName);
168             usedRelations.add(relation);
169             nodeModifiers.add(new InRelationModifier(attribute, value, relation));
170         } else if (s.equals("output")) {
171             outputFileName = st.nextToken();
172         } else {
173             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
174         }
175     }
176     private static class LabelSource {
177         Relation relation;
178         int sourceIndex;
179         int sinkIndex;
180         int labelIndex;
181         Domain labelDomain;
183         LabelSource(Relation r, int sourceI, int sinkI, int labelI) {
184             relation = r;
185             sourceIndex = sourceI;
186             sinkIndex = sinkI;
187             labelIndex = labelI;
188             Attribute a = (Attribute) relation.attributes.get(labelIndex);
189             labelDomain = a.attributeDomain;
190         }
192         String getLabel(RelationGraph.GraphNode source, RelationGraph.GraphNode sink) {
193             BigInteger[] restriction = new BigInteger[3];
194             restriction[0] = restriction[1] = restriction[2] = BigInteger.valueOf(-1);
195             restriction[sourceIndex] = source.number;
196             restriction[sinkIndex] = sink.number;
197             TupleIterator i = relation.iterator(restriction);
198             String label = null;
199             while (i.hasNext()) {
200                 BigInteger[] labelTuple = i.nextTuple();
201                 BigInteger labelNumber = labelTuple[labelIndex];
202                 String l = labelDomain.toString(labelNumber);
203                 if (label == null) {
204                     label = l;
205                 } else {
206                     label = label + ", " + l;
207                 }
208             }
209             return label;
210         }
211     }
212     private static class EdgeSource {
213         Relation relation;
214         Relation roots;
215         LabelSource labelSource;
216         Graph g;
218         EdgeSource(Relation rel, Relation rts) {
219             relation = rel;
220             roots = rts;
221             labelSource = null;
222             g = null;
223         }
225         public void setLabelSource(LabelSource source) {
226             labelSource = source;
227         }
229         public Collection roots() {
230             if (g == null) {
231                 g = new RelationGraph(roots, relation);
232             }
233             return g.getRoots();
234         }
236         public void visitSources(Dot dot, RelationGraph.GraphNode sink, boolean addEdges) {
237             if (g == null) {
238                 g = new RelationGraph(roots, relation);
239             }
240             Collection c = g.getNavigator().prev(sink);
241             Iterator i = c.iterator();
242             while (i.hasNext()) {
243                 RelationGraph.GraphNode source = (RelationGraph.GraphNode);
244                 dot.enqueue(source);
245                 if (addEdges) {
246                     String label = null;
247                     if (labelSource != null) {
248                         label = labelSource.getLabel(source, sink);
249                     }
250                     if (label != null) {
251                         dot.addEdge(dot.nodeName(source) + " -> " + dot.nodeName(sink) + " [label=\"" + label + "\"];\n");
252                     } else {
253                         dot.addEdge(dot.nodeName(source) + " -> " + dot.nodeName(sink) + ";\n");
254                     }
255                 }
256             }
257         }
259         public void visitSinks(Dot dot, RelationGraph.GraphNode source, boolean addEdges) {
260             if (g == null) {
261                 g = new RelationGraph(roots, relation);
262             }
263             Collection c = g.getNavigator().next(source);
264             Iterator i = c.iterator();
265             while (i.hasNext()) {
266                 RelationGraph.GraphNode sink = (RelationGraph.GraphNode);
267                 dot.enqueue(sink);
268                 if (addEdges) {
269                     String label = null;
270                     if (labelSource != null) {
271                         label = labelSource.getLabel(source, sink);
272                     }
273                     if (label != null) {
274                         dot.addEdge(dot.nodeName(source) + " -> " + dot.nodeName(sink) + " [label=\"" + label + "\"];\n");
275                     } else {
276                         dot.addEdge(dot.nodeName(source) + " -> " + dot.nodeName(sink) + ";\n");
277                     }
278                 }
279             }
280         }
281     }
282     private static abstract class NodeAttributeModifier {
283         abstract boolean match(RelationGraph.GraphNode n, Map a);
284     }
285     private class DefaultModifier extends NodeAttributeModifier {
286         String property;
287         String value;
289         DefaultModifier(String p, String v) {
290             property = p;
291             value = v;
292         }
294         boolean match(GraphNode n, Map a) {
295             a.put(property, value);
296             return true;
297         }
298     }
299     private class DomainModifier extends NodeAttributeModifier {
300         Domain fd;
301         String property;
302         String value;
304         DomainModifier(String p, String v, Domain f) {
305             property = p;
306             value = v;
307             fd = f;
308         }
310         boolean match(GraphNode n, Map a) {
311             Domain f = n.v.getDomain();
312             if (f.equals(fd)) {
313                 a.put(property, value);
314                 return true;
315             } else {
316                 return false;
317             }
318         }
319     }
320     private class InRelationModifier extends NodeAttributeModifier {
321         BDDRelation relation;
322         String property;
323         String value;
325         InRelationModifier(String p, String v, BDDRelation r) {
326             property = p;
327             value = v;
328             relation = r;
329             Assert._assert(r.attributes.size() == 1);
330         }
332         boolean match(GraphNode n, Map a) {
333             Attribute attr = (Attribute) relation.attributes.iterator().next();
334             Domain f = attr.attributeDomain;
335             if (n.v.getDomain().equals(f)) {
336                 if (relation.contains(0, n.number)) {
337                     a.put(property, value);
338                     return true;
339                 }
340             }
341             return false;
342         }
343     }
345     public void enqueue(GraphNode x) {
346         worklist.push(x);
347     }
349     public void addEdge(String edge) {
350         edges.add(edge);
351     }
353     public String nodeName(GraphNode n) {
354         return "\"" + n.toString() + "\"";
355     }
357     private void visitNode(GraphNode x) {
358         Map attributes = new HashMap();
359         String nodeName = (String) x.v.getDomain().map.get(x.number.intValue());
360         if (nodeName != null) {
361             attributes.put("label", nodeName);
362         }
363         Iterator i = nodeModifiers.iterator();
364         while (i.hasNext()) {
365             NodeAttributeModifier m = (NodeAttributeModifier);
366             m.match(x, attributes);
367         }
368         String node = nodeName(x) + " [";
369         i = attributes.keySet().iterator();
370         boolean firstAttribute = true;
371         while (i.hasNext()) {
372             String attribute = (String);
373             String value = (String) attributes.get(attribute);
374             if (!firstAttribute) {
375                 node += ", ";
376             }
377             node += attribute + "=" + "\"" + value + "\"";
378             firstAttribute = false;
379         }
380         node += "];\n";
381         nodes.add(node);
382         i = edgeSources.iterator();
383         while (i.hasNext()) {
384             EdgeSource es = (EdgeSource);
385             es.visitSinks(this, x, true);
386             //es.visitSources(this, x, false);
387         }
388     }
390     /***
391      * @return  the collection of used relations
392      */
393     public Collection getUsedRelations() {
394         return usedRelations;
395     }
396 }