View Javadoc
1   //, created Jul 4, 2004 2:30:15 AM by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2004 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package net.sf.bddbddb.dataflow;
6   import java.util.HashMap;
7   import java.util.Iterator;
8   import java.util.ListIterator;
9   import java.util.Map;
10  import jwutil.util.Assert;
11  import net.sf.bddbddb.IterationFlowGraph;
12  import net.sf.bddbddb.IterationList;
13  import net.sf.bddbddb.dataflow.Problem.Fact;
14  import net.sf.bddbddb.dataflow.Problem.TransferFunction;
15  import;
16  import;
18  /***
19   * DataflowSolver
20   * 
21   * @author John Whaley
22   * @version $Id: 328 2004-10-16 02:45:30Z joewhaley $
23   */
24  public class DataflowSolver {
25      boolean TRACE = false;
26      boolean WORKLIST = false;
28      /*** Matches blocks to their dataflow information. */
29      Map/* <IterationList,Fact> */blockToFact;
31      public DataflowSolver() {
32          blockToFact = new HashMap();
33      }
35      /*** Resets dataflow information. */
36      public void reset() {
37          blockToFact.clear();
38      }
40      /*** Returns the dataflow information for a given block. */
41      public Fact getFact(IterationList block) {
42          return (Fact) blockToFact.get(block);
43      }
45      public DataflowIterator getIterator(Problem p, IterationFlowGraph g) {
46          IterationList block = g.getIterationList();
47          Fact f = getFact(block);
48          if (f == null) {
49              f = p.getBoundary();
50              f.setLocation(block);
51          }
52          return new DataflowIterator(p, f, block);
53      }
54      public class DataflowIterator implements ListIterator {
55          Problem p;
56          Fact fact;
57          IterationList block;
58          ListIterator ops;
59          DataflowIterator nested;
61          //public DataflowIterator(Problem p, IterationList block) {
62          //    this(p, DataflowSolver.this.getFact(block), block);
63         // }
65          public DataflowIterator(Problem p, Fact startingFact, IterationList block) {
66              this.p = p;
67              this.fact = startingFact;
68              this.block = block;
69              this.ops = block.iterator();
70          }
72          public Fact getFact() {
73              if (nested != null) return nested.getFact();
74              return fact;
75          }
77          /*
78           * (non-Javadoc)
79           * 
80           * @see java.util.Iterator#hasNext()
81           */
82          public boolean hasNext() {
83              if (nested != null && nested.hasNext()) return true;
84              return ops.hasNext();
85          }
87          public boolean hasPrevious() {
88              throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
89          }
91          public Object next() {
92              if (nested != null) {
93                  if (!nested.hasNext()) {
94                      if (TRACE) System.out.println("Exiting " + nested.block);
95                      nested = null;
96                  } else {
97                      return;
98                  }
99              }
100             Object o =;
101             if (o instanceof Operation) {
102                 Operation op = (Operation) o;
103                 TransferFunction tf = p.getTransferFunction(op);
104                 fact = tf.apply(fact);
105             } else {
106                 IterationList list = (IterationList) o;
107                 Fact f = (Fact) blockToFact.get(list);
108                 if (f != null) fact = f;
109             }
110             return o;
111         }
113         public Object previous() {
114             throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
115         }
117         public int nextIndex() {
118             throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
119         }
121         public int previousIndex() {
122             throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
123         }
125         public void enter(IterationList list) {
126             if (nested != null) nested.enter(list);
127             else {
128                 if (TRACE) System.out.println("Entering " + list);
129                 Fact f = (Fact) blockToFact.get(list);
130                 if (f == null) {
131                     f = fact.copy(list);
132                 }
133                 nested = new DataflowIterator(p, f, list);
134             }
135         }
137         /*
138          * (non-Javadoc)
139          * 
140          * @see java.util.Iterator#remove()
141          */
142         public void remove() {
143             if (nested != null) nested.remove();
144             else ops.remove();
145         }
147         public void set(Object o) {
148             if (nested != null) nested.set(o);
149             else ops.set(o);
150         }
152         public void add(Object o) {
153             if (nested != null) nested.add(o);
154             else ops.add(o);
155         }
156     }
158     boolean again;
160     public void solve(Problem p, IterationList g) {
161         do {
162             Fact startFact;
163             startFact = (Fact) blockToFact.get(g);
164             if (startFact == null) {
165                 startFact = p.getBoundary();
166                 startFact.setLocation(g);
167                 //blockToFact.put(g, startFact);
168             }
169             again = false;
170             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Main iteration!  Start fact: "+System.identityHashCode(startFact));
171             solve2(startFact, p, g);
172         } while (again);
173     }
175     Fact solve2(Fact currentFact, Problem p, IterationList g) {
176         Assert._assert(currentFact.getLocation() == g);
177         if (g.isLoop()) {
178             Fact startFact = (Fact) blockToFact.get(g);
179             if (startFact == null) {
180                 if (TRACE) System.out.println("Caching dataflow value at entry " + g);
181                 blockToFact.put(g, startFact = currentFact.copy(g));
182             } else {
183                 if (TRACE) System.out.println("Joining dataflow value at entry " + g);
184                 Assert._assert(startFact.getLocation() == g);
185                 Fact joinResult = startFact.join(currentFact);
186                 Assert._assert(joinResult.getLocation() == g);
187                 blockToFact.put(g, joinResult);
188                 currentFact = joinResult.copy(g);
189             }
190             if (TRACE) System.out.println("At start of "+g+", we cached fact " + System.identityHashCode(blockToFact.get(g)));
191         } else {
192             if (TRACE) System.out.println(g+" is not a loop, incoming fact " + System.identityHashCode(currentFact));
193             currentFact = currentFact.copy(g);
194         }
195         if (TRACE) System.out.println("Using fact "+System.identityHashCode(currentFact)+" to iterate through "+g);
196         for (;;) {
197             for (Iterator i = p.direction() ? g.iterator() : g.reverseIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
198                 Object o =;
199                 if (o instanceof IterationList || o instanceof If) {
200                     IterationList list = null;
201                     Fact preIfFact = null;
202                     if (o instanceof If) {
203                         if (p.direction()) {
204                             TransferFunction tf = p.getTransferFunction((Operation) o);
205                             currentFact = tf.apply(currentFact);
206                         }
207                         preIfFact = currentFact.copy(g);
208                         list = ((If) o).getBlock();
209                     } else {
210                         list = (IterationList) o;
211                     }
212                     if (TRACE) System.out.println("Entering " + list + " with fact "+System.identityHashCode(currentFact));
213                     currentFact.setLocation(list);
214                     currentFact = solve2(currentFact, p, list);
215                     currentFact.setLocation(g);
216                     if (TRACE) System.out.println("Leaving " + list + ", current fact "+System.identityHashCode(currentFact));
217                     if (o instanceof If) {
218                         currentFact = preIfFact.join(currentFact);
219                         if (!p.direction()) {
220                             TransferFunction tf = p.getTransferFunction((Operation) o);
221                             currentFact = tf.apply(currentFact);
222                         }
223                     }
224                 } else {
225                     Operation op = (Operation) o;
226                     if (TRACE) System.out.println("   Operation: " + op);
227                     TransferFunction tf = p.getTransferFunction(op);
228                     currentFact = tf.apply(currentFact);
229                 }
230             }
231             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Finished walking through "+g+", current fact is now "+System.identityHashCode(currentFact));
232             if (!g.isLoop()) break;
233             Fact blockFact = currentFact;
234             currentFact.setLocation(g.getLoopEdge());
235             Fact loopEdgeFact = solve2(currentFact, p, g.getLoopEdge());
236             loopEdgeFact.setLocation(g);
237             currentFact.setLocation(g);
238             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Loop edge fact: "+System.identityHashCode(loopEdgeFact));
239             Fact startFact = (Fact) blockToFact.get(g);
240             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Fact that was cached at start of "+g+": " + System.identityHashCode(startFact));
241             Assert._assert(startFact.getLocation() == g, startFact.getLocation()+" != "+g);
242             Fact joinResult = startFact.join(loopEdgeFact);
243             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Result: " + joinResult);
244             Assert._assert(joinResult.getLocation() == g);
245             if (joinResult.equals(startFact)) {
246                 if (TRACE) System.out.println("No change after join, exiting.");
247                 currentFact = blockFact;
248                 break;
249             }
250             if (TRACE) System.out.println(g + " changed, iterating again...");
251             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Caching join result for "+g+": " + System.identityHashCode(joinResult));
252             blockToFact.put(g, joinResult);
253             currentFact = joinResult.copy(g);
254             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Current fact at end of "+g+": " + System.identityHashCode(currentFact));
255             if (!WORKLIST) {
256                 again = true;
257                 break;
258             }
259         }
260         if (TRACE) System.out.println("Returning current fact from "+g+": " + System.identityHashCode(currentFact));
261         return currentFact;
262     }
263 }