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1   /*
2    * Created on Jan 15, 2005
3    *
4    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
5    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
6    */
7   package net.sf.bddbddb.order;
9   import java.util.Collection;
10  import java.util.Collections;
11  import java.util.Iterator;
12  import java.util.LinkedList;
14  import jwutil.math.Distributions;
15  import net.sf.bddbddb.FindBestDomainOrder;
16  import net.sf.bddbddb.InferenceRule;
17  import net.sf.bddbddb.Solver;
18  import net.sf.bddbddb.Variable;
19  import net.sf.bddbddb.XMLFactory;
21  import org.jdom.Element;
24  /***
25   * Information about a particular constraint.
26   * 
27   * @author jwhaley
28   * @version $Id: 448 2005-03-07 06:58:48Z cs343 $
29   */
30  public class ConstraintInfo implements Comparable {
32      // Student-t test: requires both populations have equal means and
33      // both distributions are normally distributed with equal variances
35      // The usual models for confidence intervals:
36      //    t tests, ANOVA, linear or curvilinear regression
37      // These all require the following assumptions:
38      //    independence of observations
39      //    normality of sampling distribution
40      //    uniformity of residuals
42      /***
43       * The constraint that this info is about.
44       */
45      OrderConstraint c;
47      /***
48       * The collection of trials that are used in the computation of the score.
49       */
50      Collection trials;
52      /*** * The rest of the fields are computed based on the trials. ** */
54      double sumCost;
56      double sumMinimumCost;
58      double sumNormalizedCost;
60      double sumNormalizedCostSq;
62      int numTrials;
64      /***
65       * Construct a new ConstraintInfo.
66       * 
67       * @param c  constraint
68       */
69      public ConstraintInfo(OrderConstraint c) {
70          this.c = c;
71          this.trials = new LinkedList();
72          this.sumCost = 0.;
73          this.sumMinimumCost = 0.;
74          this.sumNormalizedCost = 0.;
75          this.sumNormalizedCostSq = 0.;
76          this.numTrials = 0;
77      }
79      /* (non-Javadoc)
80       * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
81       */
82      public String toString() {
83          return c + ": score " + FindBestDomainOrder.format(getMean()) + " +- " + FindBestDomainOrder.format(getConfidenceInterval(.1));
84      }
86      /***
87       * A measure of, when using an order with this constraint, how long
88       * the operation would take versus the best time for that operation.
89       * For example, a score of 2 would mean that on average, orders with
90       * this constraint took twice as long on an operation as the best
91       * known order for that operation.
92       * 
93       * Obviously, the best possible score is 1, and lower numbers are better.
94       */
95      public double getMean() {
96          if (numTrials == 0) return 0.;
97          return sumNormalizedCost / numTrials;
98      }
100     /***
101      * The number of trials used in the computation of the score.
102      */
103     public int getNumberOfTrials() {
104         return numTrials;
105     }
107     public static double getVariance(Collection cis) {
108         double sum = 0.;
109         double sumOfSquares = 0.;
110         int n = 0;
111         for (Iterator i = cis.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
112             ConstraintInfo ci = (ConstraintInfo);
113             sum += ci.sumNormalizedCost;
114             sumOfSquares += ci.sumNormalizedCostSq;
115             n += ci.numTrials;
116         }
117         // variance = (n*sum(X^2) - (sum(X)^2))/n^2
118         double variance = (sumOfSquares * n - sum * sum) / (n * n);
119         return variance;
120     }
122     /***
123      * The variance of the normalized times used in the computation of the score.
124      */
125     public double getVariance() {
126         // variance = (n*sum(X^2) - (sum(X)^2))/n^2
127         int n = numTrials;
128         double variance = (sumNormalizedCostSq * n -
129             sumNormalizedCost * sumNormalizedCost) / (n * n);
130         return variance;
131     }
133     /***
134      * The standard deviation of the normalized times used in the computation
135      * of the score.
136      */
137     public double getStdDev() {
138         return Math.sqrt(getVariance());
139     }
141     /***
142      * The same as the score, but each trial is weighted by the absolute
143      * time spent by the best trial of that operation. This means that
144      * operations that took longer will be weighted in this score more
145      * heavily.
146      */
147     public double getWeightedMean() {
148         if (sumMinimumCost == 0.) return 0.;
149         return sumCost / sumMinimumCost;
150     }
152     public double getMinimumCost() {
153         return sumMinimumCost;
154     }
156     /***
157      * Returns the confidence interval of the normalized times with the given
158      * significance level.
159      */
160     public double getConfidenceInterval(double sigLevel) {
161         // sample mean +/- t(a/2,N-1)s/sqrt(N)
162         int N = getNumberOfTrials();
163         if (N < 2) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
164         double s = getStdDev();
165         return Distributions.uc_stDist(sigLevel / 2, N - 1) * s / Math.sqrt(N);
166     }
168     public void registerTrial(TrialInfo t) {
169         registerTrials(Collections.singleton(t));
170     }
172     /***
173      * Register new trials with this ConstraintInfo.
174      */
175     public void registerTrials(Collection newTrials) {
176         if (newTrials.isEmpty()) return;
177         EpisodeCollection tc = ((TrialInfo) newTrials.iterator().next()).getCollection();
178         long min = tc.getMinimum().cost + 1;
179         sumMinimumCost += min;
180         for (Iterator i = newTrials.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
181             TrialInfo t = (TrialInfo);
182             Order o = t.order;
183             //if (!o.obeysConstraint(c)) continue;
184             sumCost += t.cost + 1;
185             double normalized = (double) (t.cost + 1) / (double) min;
186             sumNormalizedCost += normalized;
187             sumNormalizedCostSq += normalized * normalized;
188             trials.add(t);
189             numTrials++;
190         }
191     }
193     public int compareTo(Object o) {
194         return compareTo((ConstraintInfo) o);
195     }
197     public int compareTo(ConstraintInfo that) {
198         if (this == that) return 0;
199         int result = FindBestDomainOrder.signum(that.getWeightedMean() - this.getWeightedMean());
200         if (result == 0) {
201             result = (int) FindBestDomainOrder.signum(this.getVariance() - that.getVariance());
202             if (result == 0) {
203                 result = this.c.compareTo(that.c);
204             }
205         }
206         return result;
207     }
209     /***
210      * Dump this constraint info to the screen.
211      */
212     public void dump() {
213         System.out.println("Constraint: " + c);
214         System.out.print("  Average=" + FindBestDomainOrder.format(getMean()) + " (weighted=" + FindBestDomainOrder.format(getWeightedMean()));
215         System.out.println(" stddev " + FindBestDomainOrder.format(getStdDev()) + " conf=+-" + FindBestDomainOrder.format(getConfidenceInterval(.1)));
216         System.out.println("   Based on " + numTrials + " trials:");
217         for (Iterator i = trials.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
218             TrialInfo ti = (TrialInfo);
219             System.out.println("    " + ti.toString());
220         }
221     }
223     public Element toXMLElement(Solver solver) {
224         Element dis = new Element("constraintInfo");
225         InferenceRule ir = null;
226         if (c.isVariableConstraint()) ir = solver.getRuleThatContains((Variable) c.getFirst());
227         Element constraint = c.toXMLElement(ir);
228         dis.setAttribute("sumCost", Double.toString(sumCost));
229         dis.setAttribute("sumMinimumCost", Double.toString(sumMinimumCost));
230         dis.setAttribute("sumNormalizedCost", Double.toString(sumNormalizedCost));
231         dis.setAttribute("sumNormalizedCostSq", Double.toString(sumNormalizedCostSq));
232         dis.setAttribute("numTrials", Integer.toString(numTrials));
233         return dis;
234     }
236     public static ConstraintInfo fromXMLElement(Element e, XMLFactory f) {
237         OrderConstraint c = null;
238         for (Iterator i = e.getContent().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
239             Element e2 = (Element);
240             Object o = f.fromXML(e2);
241             if (o instanceof OrderConstraint) {
242                 c = (OrderConstraint) o;
243                 break;
244             }
245         }
246         if (c == null) return null;
247         ConstraintInfo ci = new ConstraintInfo(c);
248         ci.sumCost = Double.parseDouble(e.getAttributeValue("sumCost", "0."));
249         ci.sumMinimumCost = Double.parseDouble(e.getAttributeValue("sumMinimumCost", "0."));
250         ci.sumNormalizedCost = Double.parseDouble(e.getAttributeValue("sumNormalizedCost", "0."));
251         ci.sumNormalizedCostSq = Double.parseDouble(e.getAttributeValue("sumNormalizedCostSq", "0."));
252         ci.numTrials = Integer.parseInt(e.getAttributeValue("numTrials", "0"));
253         return ci;
254     }
255 }